Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stupid Stunts

This weeks topic is about stupid things that people have done on dares or just for the heck of it. Well to start off I will talk about some of the stupid stunts that i have done. One time I was at one of my friends house and he had these mini horse things so we decided to catch one and see who was brave enough to ride one backwards and whoever stayed on the longest won. and I won but I ran into a tree. It was realy fun. The total injury count for that one was 2scraped knees, a bruised sholder, someone fell in horse poop, somone got trampled, and I hit a tree. I think that that was my funnest one. Another time me and some friends were on someones trapoline and there was a basketball hoop next to it so somone tried to dunk a ball and I said that I could do the same thing but i'd do it around my back and somehow I got my leg stuck in it and They let me hang there for a second and it realy hurt and then finaly they got me down, and the injury count for that one was a pain in the leg for a few weeks. that one wasnt sooooo fun. anyhoo i'm pretty sure that yall have done way stupider things soooo tell me about them.


The song of the week: "Roll On", by Alabama
The movie of the week: Forest Gump
The word of the week: insane
The food of the week: Tacos
The car of the week: 1969 Chevy Camaro SS/RS
The battle phrase of the week: "There stands Jackson like a stone wall, rally behind the Virginians!"- Some Civil War Dude

Monday, July 13, 2009

Coming Sooon

Greetings Cosmic Children of the Universe
Well this weeks topic is about all of the the awsome stuff that is coming soon to this blog. Firstly I will eventually put one of my playlists on here. Also me and my friend blu make all of these recordings and videos of.... random stuff... and they're pretty funnie so I'm gonna put some of them on here eventually.... later.... in the distant future.... mabey.... anyhoo it's gonna be pretty sweet once I finaly get all of 'em on here. I'm also gonna see if it's possible to get some background music on here as well. That would be hella good. um... if you had a blog what would you put on it. If you already do what frikin awsome things have you put on it with you technical smarticleness? Ya know I should see if there is anything els that i could get on here like a different background.yeah, like flames and burnination, yeah.
The Word of the Week: Sammich- The word "sandwich" but said in a cooler way.
The Song of the Week: "Hotel California" by the Eagles (it's the song I always listen to when I blog)
The Movie of the Week: "The Bourne Identity"
The Car of the Week: 1969 Shelby GT-350
Battle Quote of the Week: "Then we will Fight in the Shade"- Leonidas


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


that's all folks! or.... wait.... um..... no....
waz up folks! (sorry 'bout that peoples)... dis weeks topic will be chosen at random by my brother andrew. And da topic is..... PIE!!! woot!!!

soooo pie is frikin awsome. it is the sourse of all life, I swear. When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden a badger gave them pie. I'm serious, it says it in the Bible. check it out: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. And there before them stood a great badger, and it said unto them wouldst thou like a pie. and Adam took of it and said unto it get in my belly and so it did and he saw that it was good so he fed it unto Eve and she saw that it was good so she said unto the badger tellest me how to make this scrumshalitious pie and the badger then did so Eve made the pies and Adam said unto the badger thou hast pleased me so now I will kill and eat thee and the badger ran from Adam and Adam did catch it and did beat it with a stick then the badger did bite him exceedingly and Adam eventually slew him and did devour him and saw that he was not so good so he did go unto Eve and said unto her maketh me a pie or I shall eat thee so she did. See I even got the bible to back up my point. anyhoo there are so many different pies I mean there are even songs about them. and I have my own philosiphy about pie. You gotta have a finger in all of your pies or else somthin bad is gonna happen to it it's like mindin your own buiseness if you stick a finger in a pie thats not yours your gonna get slapped. It's that same thing with our rights the government shouldnt be messin with our rights cause that's the American Pie not the Governments pie its ours dang it! so quit messin with our pie frikin Obama! and frikin Hillary Clinton! and the rest of you frikin polititions!!! git the frik out of my frikin pie dang it!!! sorry i got a little carried away. anyhoo stand up for your pie and no one will mess with it.
My favorite pie is probably Apple pie, iz good realy good. Dont eat my my pie. Cause... iz mine and... iz good.

pie can also be use as a deadly weapon. A creamy throwing grenade of death! I'm serious man my brother almost got killed by one of those. he survived by hacking out his left Kydney and nawing his own leg off! he still has the scar from it but his leg grew back. true story. It was during the great pie war of '87. A moment of silence for all those brave souls who died during the pie wars...... silence....... silence........... and we done.

now it's gonna be real hard to find a video for this soooo ummmm...... here's somthin about doughnuts http://www.homestarrunner.com/doughnutstand.html

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Welcome one and everyone! well this week's topic is music. It is FRIKIN AWSOME! My favorite bands are (are you ready for this): Motley Crue, Apocalyptica, Iron Maiden, Alabama, The Eagles, Guns and Roses, The Charlie Daniels Band, Metalica, ACDC, Lead Zeplin, Pink Floyd, Tennacios D, and so many more that it would make your eyes bleed. With all of the frikin awsome Bands and Singers out there it is impossible to have just one favorite. that is why we have radios. They play so many songs at once that your bound to find at least one good song. But there is also the sad thing that is college radio. It can be described in 5 words: dead air... um... dead air. I mean it's like they just let some bewildered freshmen into the booth just to make a fool of himself. anyhoo I listen to just about any music but Mostly Country and Rock and not so much if any rap. (i think rap is kinda stupid).

I also like to play music. it's fun. I can play the guitar, trumpet, french horn(kinda), and i'm teaching myself to play the piano. but what I realy wanna learn how to play the Bagpipes,they are sooooooooo coolio.

Anyhoo Tell me about your musical interests. And I will try to Make a new post atleast once or twice a week.


Here's a way insanely pointless music video that I don't even like: http://www.homestarrunner.com/trudgemank.html